@article{oai:myu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000210, author = {竹本, 由香里 and Takemoto, Yukari}, issue = {1}, journal = {宮城大学看護学部紀要}, month = {2016-02-12}, note = {本研究の目的は、看護学生の看護系大学への進学志望動機について検討することである。調査対象は3つの大学に所属する1年次看護学生228名で、大学への進学志望動機と看護学校および他学部の受験状況についての自記式質問紙調査を実施した。看護系大学への進学志望動機22項目を因子分析した結果、6因子(ゆとり、看護志向、大学の経済価値、学力、消極的動機、他者の勧め)が見出された。性別、看護学校及び他学部の受験状況、看護体験の有無により各因子得点を比較した結果、看護学校を受験したものと看護体験のあるものは、「看護志向」の因子得点が有意に高かった。一方、他学部を受験したことのあるものは「看護志向」の因子得点が有意に低かった。性別では、女性が男性よりも「大学の経済価値」の因子得点が高かった。, The purpose of this study was to examine nursing students' motivations for entering university. The participants in this study were 228 first-year students in the nursing departments of three universities. They were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their motivations for entering their particular university and whether they had taken the entrance examinations for another school. Responses to the 22 items in the motivation section were examined by factor analysis. The results showed that the students' motivations could be grouped into six categories: length of course, nursing-oriented, quality of the university, individual academic record matches university level, social influence, and recommendation by another person. The factor scores were compared by sex, nursing experience, and whether the participant had taken the entrance examination for nursing school and/or another department. The students who took the entrance examination for nursing school and the students who had had experience with nursing scored significantly higher in the category "nursing-oriented", whereas the students who took the entrance examination for another department scored significantly lower. Female students scored significantly higher on "quality of university" than male students., 5, KJ00005074435, 原著, Original Paper}, pages = {13--20}, title = {看護学生の看護系大学への進学志望動機の検討}, volume = {11}, year = {}, yomi = {タケモト, ユカリ} }