@article{oai:myu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000189, author = {竹本, 由香里 and Takemoto, Yukari and 高橋, 方子 and Takahashi, Masako and 佐々木, 裕子 and Sasaki, Yuko and 丸山, 良子 and Maruyama, Ryoko and 山本, 真千子 and Yamamoto, Machiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {宮城大学看護学部紀要}, month = {2016-02-12}, note = {本研究では、健康な男子学生10名(平均年齢22.0±1.7歳)を被験者として皮膚温・皮膚血流量と心拍変動(Heart rate variability;HRV)、圧受容体反射感受性(Baroreflex sensitivity;BRS)等を測定し、座位による足浴の生理学的効果を検討した。HRVから低周波成分(low frequency;LF)と高周波成分(high frequency;HF)を計算し、副交感神経活動指標をHF、交感神経活動指標をLF/HFとした。足浴(湯温39℃、15分)は安静仰臥位15分後に実施し、足浴前から足浴後60分間連続して測定値の観察を行った。その結果、以下のことが明ちかとなった。(1)足浴前後の安静仰臥位を比較した結果、足浴前に対し下腿の皮膚血流量は足浴後60分で増加の傾向(p<0.1)があり、皮膚温は足浴後45分、60分で有意に増加(45分・60分: p<0.01)していた。(2)安静仰臥位と足浴を比較した結果、LF/HFは有意に増加(p<0.01)し、HF、BRSは有意に減少(HF: p<0.05;BRS: p<0.01)していた。座位による足浴は一過性に副交感神経活動を減弱させ交感神経活動を亢進させたが、末梢循環においては足浴後も循環を促進させ、その効果を持続していた。, This study was designed to investigate the response of circulatory and autonomic nervous activity during and after foot-bath in a sitting position, as reflected in skin blood flow (SBF), skin temperature (T), heart rate variability (HRV) and noninvasive baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). Low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) were calculated from HRV. The index of sympathetic nervous activity was LF/HF and parasympathetic nervous activity was HF. Ten healthy male students (mean age=22.0±1.7 years) took foot-bath (15 minutes, 39℃) after a 15-minutes rest in supine position. Before, during and after foot-bath, measurements were made. The main results are as follows: (1) SBF increased over a period of 60 minutes after foot-bath (p<0.1), an increase in T was statistically significant at the 45-minute and 60-minute points after foot-bath started (45-min. pt., 60min. pt.: p<0.01). (2) LF/HF increased during foot-bath (p<0.01), while HF and BRS showed significant reduction during foot-bath (HF: p<0.05; BRS: p<0.01). In summary, parasympathetic nervous activity decreased and sympathetic nervous activity increased temporarily during foot-bath, while peripheral circulation changed significantly and progressively after foot-bath., 7, KJ00004857814, 原著, Original Paper}, pages = {37--45}, title = {座位による足浴がもたらす生理学的効果について : 自律神経活動と循環動態からの評価}, volume = {10}, year = {}, yomi = {タケモト, ユカリ and タカハシ, マサコ and ササキ, ユウコ and マルヤマ, リョウコ and ヤマモト, マチコ} }